On The Watch
Watchman Ngiam
Copyright @ 2024 Watchman Ngiam.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means - electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise – without prior written permission of the author.
English Standard Version (ESV): Scripture quotations are taken from the English Standard Bible (Public Domain).
ISBN: 978-981-94-0638-8 (Printed version)
ISBN: 978-981-94-0639-5 (iBook version)
ISBN: 978-981-94-0640-1 (Kindle version)
To protect the privacy and identities of certain individuals mentioned in this book, some names have been changed. The alterations have been made with the utmost respect for their confidentiality while preserving the authenticity of the author’s experiences.
The book cover features the word "守“ which means "to watch over".
Book cover calligraphy by Lim Tze Peng, renowned local artist and recipient of the Singapore Cultural Medallion (2003).
Portrait photography by Robert Sia
Front cover Singapore skyline image credit: Tnonra Octobus
Printed in Singapore
First Edition 2024
About the Book
"On The Watch" by Watchman Nigam is a profound journey into the life of a man destined for spiritual leadership. This autobiographical account chronicles Nigam's upbringing, the challenges he faced, and the pivotal moments that led him to his calling. With insightful reflections and heartfelt anecdotes, the book captures the essence of his growth and transformation.
Expertly designed and laid out by David Ong Design Studio, "On The Watch" is not only a compelling read but also a visual delight. The thoughtful design elements enhance the narrative, drawing readers deeper into Nigam's inspiring story. Dive into the pages of "On The Watch" to explore the life of a spiritual guide and the experiences that shaped his extraordinary path.
Book Design